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Heart Warriors Radio

Feb 14, 2018

Perhaps, you find yourself at a point of your journey where you feel compelled to investigate the truth about the quality of you Love and how much Self-Love you really feel within you. As you probably already know, whether of not you are in a romantic relationship is not a measuring tool for your inner love. Your inner connection is. However, intensified by current collective energies many of us are dealing with a frequent feeling of loneliness and difficulties to connect within.

Loving and trusting somebody requires us to be able to love ourselves first. If we don’t feel good enough or undeserving of love we can’t trust in ourselves; and thus we can't trust others. Feeling unloved can mean that we are not quite willing yet to trust in our Self-Love yet, which is often linked to perceiving ourselves as flawed or not meeting our own or projected expectations. We are simply not in a loving relationship with ourselves yet.

From this perspective it’s understandable that we find it challenging to invite True Love into our lives and perhaps even dismiss or give up on it altogether. To overcome conditionality in Love we need to be willing to love others as ourselves. The key to this is in reflecting on the conditions and limitations of how we perceive love. Follow me here and let's reflect on how to overcome the Conditions of Love: